Stoney Beach Computers
Helping you with technology
Welcome to Stoney Beach Computers
Your Go-To place for IT services and products for your business and your home technology needs in Annapolis Royal, Bridgetown, and Digby.
How To Find Us
Office hours from 9am to 10am Tuesday through Friday
Otherwise by chance or appointment from: 10am–4pm, Tuesday through Friday
(weekend emergency appointments available on request)
Drop off service available by appointment
467 Saint George Street, Annapolis Royal
Phone: 902-308-8885
Email: office (@) stoneybeachcomputers (dot) com
Contact Us
COVID-19 Support
We can easily help you remotely for many different computer issue - either through your computer or by phone (and even though we have mostly moved through the pandemic with minimal issue, we continue to be Covid-19 protected by sanitizing our hands and workstations frequently and being careful especially with our more vulnerable clients).